Scentsy Hawaii Trip!!!!
I earned another incentive trip with Scentsy to Hawaii for both me and Ben!!
It was fabulous!!!

The Pre-Hawaii Pedi!!!

Arriving at the Kona, HI airport!

Breakfast the next morning- Me, Dini and Jaime

Smallest Catholic Church in the World

Where they would make sacrifices for good surf

Dinner on the 1st night- fun party!!!

Ben went swimming with sea turtles!

Typical little Hawaiian town.

Walking on our way to Akaka Falls

Akaka Falls!

Entrance to the resort- it's even in the Sister Frisky font!!!

Dinner on the 2nd night- yummy food and even yummier dessert!

Drink dispenser

Love both of these pictures!

Entrance to the dinner

Went through this town on our waterfall tour.

1st of about 4 waterfalls we saw

Our tour guide- Kalia- he was a combination of Superman, McGyver, Jack Bauer and Indiana Jones- he told us story after story of things that he had done/seen and the dude is amazing. He'll be in a future episode in one of Jeff Corwin's shows where they cooked their food over this exact fire pit!!

This was the ONLY pineapple we saw (except for the ones we ate at breakfast)

Taro fields- our tour guide was also on an episode of "Dirty Jobs" and I guess Mike Rowe got so messed up doing this that they had to cut the episode short cuz he couldn't move his arms.

At the end of the waterfalls we got to play in the watering hole- I jumped in 3 times!!!

Each day there was a room drop from Scentsy!

WOWZA!!! Look at those bathing beauties!!

For those of you who really know me know that I hate swimming in water with other things so it was a really big deal to get the snorkeling gear on and swim out in the ocean- I did get far enough out to see a sea turtle!!!

Kaloko-Honokohau National Park.

Fun store- Donkey Balls- great chocolate!!!

Hale o Keawe (wooden images) stand watch over the reconstruction of a temple and mausoleum which housed the bones of 23 ali'i. Offerings were placed on the tower.

According to legend, Queen Ka'ahumanu, favorite wife of Kamehameha I, once swam a great distance to the pu'uhonua after a quarrel with her husband. She hid under this stone but the barking of her dog gave her away. Her husband soon found her and they soon made up.

This is the original stone used in the game Konane.

Watching a local make a Kiki

Lava Tube

Front of the hotel

Last night of dinner- right before heading down Ben got something in his eye so he didn't stick around- he went to bed (it was even his birthday for pete's sake) :(

Me and Whitney Luna

Me and Casie Stevenson

They had a luau and program for us- it was called "The Gathering of the 4 Kings"
This is the king of Samoa

The King of Hawaii

The King of New Zealand

Collete, Jaime, Heidi, Me, Whitney and I don't know who the last girl is

Orville, Heidi and me (they're like family.... Love them!!!!)

Me and Nicole Ferland

Our last room drop- i'm so glad we didn't buy a photo album cuz we got one for free!!!

The Kona airport- everything is outside, no windows or anything, very open!!!

You have to walk to your plane. I had a presidential moment at the top where I turned around and waved at everyone- now I know how he feels!