Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Circus

The Circus came to town!!!!

The first thing Danika wanted to do was ride on the camel!! The girl has no fear!!

Colben being Colben; all he wanted to do was go down the bouncy slide!

Before the show started.. we could basically sit anywhere we wanted so we thought these would be great seats!

He's blindfolded people- now that's real talent!!
This guy was so flexible it hurt just watching!
He was able to put his whole body in this box. He also was able to put his whole body through a tennis racket (without the strings of course!)
I thought this was going to be A LOT cooler than it was. Basically the guy rode the bike across the wire (there was NO way the bike was going to fall off or anything) and some lady sat on a bar.
It got a little better....
He then did some tweaks to his bike and started swinging from side to side until he went completely around... that got a smile from Colben.
The flying trapeze... this was actually kinda cool!

Let me preface this by saying I have mixed feelings about the whole "animal abuse" issue. I did feel bad for the elephants but do I think they're being abused?? I don't know.
I guess for now i'll just have to take the stance of it being entertainment for my children.

Danika really wanted to ride the little horsies so we did that on the way out.
As we left the fair grounds there were a bunch of people with their picket signs complaining that those that paid for the circus were actually financially helping the abuse of circus animals. The kids saw this and the ride home was spent by me trying to explain how some people feel that animals shouldn't be in circus's and that they're sometimes abused....The whole concept was completely lost on them and i'm okay with that!!!

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