Sunday, June 29, 2008

Who turned the lights out?

Last night I learned many important lessons-
It all started at around 6:30ish as I was making baked potatoes and I heard what sounded like thunder- I thought it was kind of wierd seeing how just an hour before it was blue skies, hot and humid. I looked through the blinds and the skies were getting dark. I dismissed it as just another one of our summer storms but about 20 min. later it started to get really windy- it even pushed Ben's new BBQ grill over about 3 feet. Then the rain started and the kids got excited and sat in front of the back window watching all the leaves and small tree branches drop in our lawn. Then about 20 min. after that the power flickered and then went off. I didn't panic, expecting the power to come on in just a min. so I went about doing what I was doing (reading a magazine) The kids decided to get out their tents so I helped them set them up and then started watching a movie on our portable DVD player. I called my mom and talked to her for a little while and she told me that while it was still light outside I should probably go look for some more flash lights. I then called Ben (who is in Toronto) and told him what was going on- I told him we were fine and the kids were having a great time in their tents.
I tried calling the power company but their automated message was messed up so Ben called from his phone but they never called back (big surprise) As it got darker I got more worried- not for us, but for all the food that was in the fridge/freezer that might be spoiling or melting. The kids wanted to eat popsicles and I thought "well better they eat them than let them melt" so as I was looking for them I had to move some ice packs and as I was moving one, it fell out of the freezer and landed right on my big toe- I said out loud "You've got to be kidding me!" I seriously thought I had broken my toe!!
By this time it was time to turn on our flashlight (we only had one at this point) and it's the kind that you wind up so it doesn't take batteries but it only works for so long and then you have to wind it up again- it's tiring! I took the kids on a hunt for another flashlight and they thought that was so fun to be walking around the dark house with a flashlight- we found one that went with Danika's tent set so we took it downstairs and went through at least 10 batteries and NONE of them worked!!! We then went into the garage and we found another wind up flashlight so Colben wound up one and I did the other.
I was pretty much ready to pack up and go to a hotel at this point- the house was dark and hot, the kids were bored and I was going crazy!!!
We went into the master bedroom and got on the bed and I opened all the windows to let the breeze in and we all finally fell asleep and sometime in the middle of the night I opened my eyes and looked outside the bedroom and saw the light on in the kitchen!!
I was so thrilled- I walked around the house turning out all the lights and then turned on the ceiling fan in our room- circulating cool air- it never felt so good!!!
Here are the lessons I learned from last night:
1) Listen to my mom!
2) Always have a good stock of NEW batteries!
3) Buy at least 3 more flashlights- the kind that you don't have to wind up!
4) Watch out for falling ice packs- and if they do fall, MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!!!


Emily and Mike said...

Wow, I hate storms, they scare the crap out of me. BTW, this is Emily Watkins, I saw your blog through Allison's. It looks like you all are doing well, I would love for you to see my blog, it is set to private so if you would like to send me your email address to I would love to add you! I hope all is well.

Sarah said...

That happens here and the first thing I do is get the kids in a cool bath and then keep them calm doing some game. Then they aren't as hot or sticky.

We learned about the batteries a long time ago and the kids have their own flashlights.

Glad the power came on and you were able to sleep and cool down!